via Carlo Pisacane, 36
20129 Milano – ITALY
Lunati & Mazzoni is an Industrial Property office for patents, trademarks, designs, researches, consulting and legal proceedings, founded in 1982 and with headquarter in Milan.
Lunati & Mazzoni is attorney before:
- the Italian UIBM Patent and Trademark Office, for Italian patents and Italian trademarks;
- the EPO European Patent Office, for European patents,
- the European Union Intellectual Property Office EUIPO for European Trademarks and Community Models and Designs,
- the Italian Courts, such as Office Technical Consultants,
the Word Intellectual Property Office WIPO.
Since almost the foundation of the same Patent Offices and the Order of Italian Industrial Consultants.
Lunati & Mazzoni is also certified before legal courts for Industrial property Litigations.
International Partners