Delta Service Automation srl
Via Campo Bratela 119/A
20069 Vaprio d’Adda (MI)
The Delta Service Automation is a small company specializing in the field of automatic labeling.
In fact, it was born with the creation of labelling machines.
With a mix of skill and dedication, Delta Service has expanded its range of product and services, providing thermal transfer overprinting solutions, inkjet and laser marking, lotteries and more.
With a know-how of more than 30 years of experience in the sector, it has gained privileged access to the supply of components to global companies and this creating an internal organization with specific divisions.
The Engineering division that designs, manufactures and sells labelling machines, labelling lines, conveyor belts, packaging lines, linear and two-dimensional Barcode verifiers and more.
The Complus division sells Ribbons, labels, inkjet markem and compatible inks, software for labels such as Nicelabel and Codesoft, laser markem, CO2 and fiber markers, barcode datalogic readers and more.
Our company is able to find the solution you are looking for, creating machines tailored to your needs, maintaining maximum flexibility and quickly provides assistance, because it has humanity as its core values:
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